go pro

This is a personal project where I married two of my obsessions: gopros & pictograms
I’ve shot and watched hours of breathtaking images shot on gopro cameras.
I wanted to create an animated story that shows how these cameras help us perceive and share the world in a new way.
I also love infographics and pictograms, the power of communicating an idea with a single image fascinates me so this became the look and feel for the video.

Super excited that the founder of GoPro enjoyed the video and gave me a shout-out!

"This is awesome! I love how you told the story of how the shared experiences (content) goes on to inspire the viewer to get off their couch and go get a GoPro to capture and share their own lives. You nailed it! I'm sharing this with our team...love it and thank you for sharing with me."

-Nicholas Woodmam, founder and CEO of GoPro